Shamanic Healing Session


Shamanic Healing Session


90 minute session (online or in person in Edinburgh)

Grounded in a holistic approach, using universal energy medicine tools and techniques so as to return the beingbody to its natural state of wholeness, vitality, and power.

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In a shamanic healing session, you can expect a unique and holistic approach to the issue you seek support with.

The intention for each sessions is to return the your beingbody to wholeness, vitality, and the natural state of power. 

Shamanic healing can open the door to spiral path of spiritual awakening and personal growth, fostering a deep connection with oneself, nature, and the other realms. Through journeying, meditation, and communion with animal guides, helping allies and ancestors, you can experience the transformative power of your expansive consciousness, receiving profound insights about your life and future direction.

Shamanic healing is supportive of those seeking emotional or spiritual guidance. And whilst Shamanic healing is not a substitute for medical care or psychological therapies, many report the subsiding or complete dissolution of previously undiagnosable ailments.

Those who might benefit from Shamanic healing:

  1. People dealing with trauma: Shamanic healing techniques, such as soul retrieval, can benefit individuals who have experienced trauma. It aims to reintegrate fragmented aspects of the self and restore wholeness.

  2. Individuals with chronic illnesses or physical ailments: Shamanic healing offers a complementary approach for those with physical health issues. It focuses on restoring energetic balance, addressing spiritual disharmony, and supporting the body's natural healing processes.

  3. Those seeking personal growth and self-discovery: Shamanic healing can be a powerful tool for personal growth, self-exploration, and self-discovery. It can help individuals gain insight into their life purpose, release limiting beliefs, and foster personal transformation.

  4. People interested in spiritual exploration: Shamanic healing offers a unique perspective on spirituality. It can benefit individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual connection, explore alternative belief systems, or engage in personal rituals.

Elements common to Shamanic healings include:

Sacred Space and Ritual: The session usually begins with creating a sacred space, often involving saining (Scottish tradition of smudging) with sage or other purifying herbs to cleanse the energy, setting up an altar, or invoking the assistance of spirit guides or ancestors.

Counselling and Intention Setting: We will discuss the issues you are facing and your intention for the healing session. I may ask about your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being to identify areas of imbalance.

Journeying or Trance State: I may enter into an altered state of consciousness through drumming, rattling, chanting, or other techniques. Alternatively, you may be guided into a trance state to access non-ordinary reality and connect with the spirit world, your guides, allies and helping beings.

Spiritual Allies, Guides and Helping Beings: During the session, I will connect with my spiritual allies, such as power animals or ancestors to gain insight and receive guidance on the healing process.

Energy Healing: The session will likely involve working with energetic imbalances and blockages cleared with my hands, feathers, crystals, or other tools (drums, sounding, voice) to clear and balance their energy field.

Extraction: If spiritual or energetic intrusions are causing illness or disharmony, I may perform an extraction to remove harmful energies or entities from your energy field.

Soul Retrieval: In cases of trauma events, past life memories/connections, or dis-ease, I may perform a soul retrieval to return the missing parts of your soul (like a missing jigsaw piece) that may have fragmented due to past experiences.