
The Artist's Way Women’s Circles

Whether you are a freelancer, entrepreneur, maker, doubter, dabbler, creatively curious, confused or an established practitioner, this 13-week deep dive invites change, transformation, and inspiration - especially for those who claim 'I'm not creative'!

Eugenia hosts The Artist's Way Women's Circles, where you are invited to go inwards to discover, embrace and (re)imagine your creative self.

As an Artist, Ritualist, Spiritual Companion and Coach and impassioned encourager of play and curiosity - Eugenia offers a joyful, honest and heart-centred approach to the text and in Circle, she invites space for unfolding, play and shared wisdom. 

Read more about Eugenia's facilitation style, informed by her guidelines for Creative Circles.

The Artist’s Way ‘ helps de-mystify the creative process by making it part of your daily life. It tackles your self-doubts, self-criticism and worries about time, money and the support to pursue our creative dream. It has already helped thousands of people to uncover their hidden talents
- it can help you, too.’
Julia Cameron

The Artist's Way Women's Circle is an inclusive space for women seeking creative transformation, personal growth, and meaning-making.

We meet weekly to share, reflect and expand on our personal experience and practice of 'Morning Pages' and 'The Artist's Date'.

With The Artist's Way as our source text, supported by Eugenia's facilitation, we use the book and its practices as invitations into our hearts. Through the renowned process developed by Julia Cameron, and supported by bespoke digital downloads of visualisations and meditations, this circle offers a unique opportunity for intentional women to gather, connect, and thrive in a supportive, creative community.

In this way, we return to the essence of ourselves and our truth

What You’ll Explore:

Each session of the Artist's Way Women's Circle reflects on key practices from Cameron’s work:

  • Morning Pages: A daily practice of stream-of-consciousness writing to clear the mind and inspire creativity.

  • Artist's Date: A weekly commitment to a solo, playful excursion that nurtures your creative spirit.

  • Chapter Themes: Insights and reflections on the weekly themes from The Artist’s Way book.

  • Overcoming Creative Blocks: Exploring obstacles and discovering new opportunities for creative expression.

  • Mindful Practices: Playful exercises for self-connection, centering, and grounding.

In times of uncertainty, reconnecting with your inner creative self becomes a guiding light. This journey helps you become clearer, more confident, and in tune with your innate wisdom, offering a powerful way to navigate life’s changes and challenges.

Who is This Journey For?

This women's circle is ideal for those seeking:

  • A deeper connection to your inner compass and creative self.

  • Tools to soothe stress and provide comfort during uncertain times.

  • Clarity and answers to life’s big questions.

  • Creative exploration: Bringing new projects, practices, or ideas into being.

  • Artistic revitalization: Reinventing your artistic perspective and process to infuse new meaning into your practice.

Inclusive and Personal Approach

While The Artist’s Way references spiritual language, including mentions of "God," Eugenia encourages participants to interpret these ideas in a way that aligns with their personal beliefs, using their own universal language and meaning.

join the next The Artist's Way women’s online circle starting January 2025 here.

Cultivate Creativity and Self-Awareness: Weekly Sessions for Personal Growth

Our purpose is to deeply know ourselves, fostering clarity, self-awareness, and accountability to ignite our creativity, pursue our passions, and tap into the limitless possibilities of life.

What You’ll Experience in Our Weekly Sessions:

Each week, we reflect on the chapters, exploring their core themes and how they resonate in our lives. Through sharing our stories and witnessing each other’s honesty, we foster a deeper sense of self-awareness, kinship, and the motivation to set clear actions for nurturing our creativity, projects, and dreams.

Going Beyond the Pages

Guided by Eugenia's journey of self-sovereignty and mastery of body wisdom techniques, you’ll go beyond the book’s pages. Eugenia supports Circle members in unlocking their deeper truths, helping them break through blocks and barriers to achieve true creative freedom.

This is an opportunity to unravel the knots that hold you back, in a safe, trauma-informed environment that meets you where you are.

Tools and Techniques for Transformation:

  • Somatic Mindfulness: Cultivate awareness of your body’s wisdom to guide your creative and personal growth.

  • Breathwork & Rituals: Engage in practices for release and expansion to activate your inner creative power.

  • Curiosity Practices: Techniques designed to unravel blocks and tap into new possibilities for creativity.

And don't worry—it's not all serious! Expect a little humour, playfulness, and irreverence along the way.

Additional Support:

Alongside the live online Zoom sessions, Circle members receive:

  • Weekly emails with inquiry prompts to deepen self-reflection.

  • Access to a private WhatsApp community for sharing inspiration, fostering connection, and enhancing the overall journey.

Who is The Artist's Way Circle For?

The Artist's Way Circle is designed for individuals seeking to cultivate creativity, explore new possibilities, and connect with a supportive community. Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or simply looking for personal growth, this space offers something for everyone:

  • Hobbyists who want dedicated time and a supportive community to build confidence in their creative practice.

  • Professionals balancing a busy career who are eager to take time for creative exploration and play outside of their day job.

  • Artists with an established practice looking for a shift in their process, by returning to a beginner’s mindset in a welcoming, inclusive space for re-imagining their art.

  • Creatives and Entrepreneurs who struggle to carve out "white space" for their own ideas and creative thinking.

  • Change-makers seeking their next breakthrough or new direction in life or work.

  • Individuals who want to transform passive digital consumption into meaningful offline creation.

  • Anyone ready for the challenge and transformation that comes with exploring new creative possibilities!

You can read what fellow journeyers said about their experience of The Artist's Way with Eugenia: 

"Eugenia, your facilitation of this course has, in no small way, changed my life. What a synchronicity that I signed up for this just prior to lockdown! The process has been instrumental in my ability to weather this particular storm (Covid-19). The course brought into focus some buried fear I was holding in a few aspects in my life. Exercising creativity and self exploration throughout the process allowed me to approach this fear with a sense of fun and curiosity, in contrast to the rigid methods I had been using to "tackle" these issues previously. This in turn brought a sense of calm and acceptance, and a trust in myself that I had the tools within me to address these issues. Whilst at times, I found the book itself challenging, it was in this area that the weekly sessions were most useful. They cemented the critical messages and provided a forum to explore each topic. The group sessions, the exercises in the book, and Eugenia as a facilitator gave me a safe framework to explore these areas, and I feel transformed afterwards. It definitely exceeded all expectations." Aisling Brazel

“You are a terrific facilitator, Eugenia! I have appreciated your talent and effort enormously. You are warm and perceptive and grounded. Coming to the creative circle has been a total pleasure for me, these past weeks, and I will miss it very much. I have also been grateful for the fact that you were doing the AW yourself, which meant that you were ‘in the trenches’ with us. That felt important, in a way, and I wish you all the best for your ongoing artistic adventure!” Lorraine McCann

“Amazing, friendly and professional facilitation… Thank you so much for the past 12 weeks – it’s been a blast… There were so many insights, but I think these were often only realised, or fully realised as a result of group sharing/reflection. And often it was reassuring to hear that others experienced the same challenges, doubts, etc as myself. For me, overall, the experience has inspired me to become less fearful, to prioritise creative endeavours more and to enjoy more creativity and creative approaches to life.” Marianne

“I really enjoyed the whole process, I feel it has altered my life in so many ways, some of which I feel and see and others which will happen in the future. I enjoyed coming into the weekly meetings, and enjoyed the emails, I always felt that I could even be doing two meetings a week as I wanted TAW to be a bigger thing in my life. It was beautiful how safe you made it feel to speak about anything and how nothing was wrong and every effort was appreciated. It would have been so much harder to do this by myself and the positive energy that was created brought a completely different element to it. I loved the meditations which was such a surprise for me (I know meditate almost everyday and I have done so in so many different locations where I felt connected to nature).

Before the course I was a bit lost in between dreams and practicalities of life. What I dreamed of spending my time doing and what I valued having in my life did not align with where I was. I felt very insecure about my abilities, I felt like this (being an artist, overcoming my artistic block) is something that sounds magical but that I can never achieve. Now even though I can’t say that a ‘miracle’ happened, I feel that I have a bigger awareness of where I am heading and how I can get there, of what is important and what makes me feel true to myself. I will continue to apply everything I have learned and try to remember the importance of allowing myself to dream big and be honest with what I want my life to look like.”  Marina Chatzivasileiou

“It was a really lovely group of ‘alive’ people. I really enjoyed their vibrancy. It was lovely to have your joyous personality running the group. I enjoyed the fact that you were honest when you had not managed the full requirement of morning pages etc. This allowed others to also admit their own ‘failings’.” Phillipa - Phillipa Crawford Artworks

“Excellent facilitation – the right mix of doing the course yourself with us, and therefore sharing your own experience of it, and leading the group when leading was required. Bringing different people into the discussion when some people are less self confident than others… The course did provide me with a framework to help resolve some of my creative issues… Some deep seated things about work, effort, process and product were highlighted, helping me change the way I think about my artistic expression.”

“I gained a lot of clarity about my avoidance and why I do it. It was good to share that and to see that everyone else had similar issues. I had some profound realisations that were quite painful but also helpful.” Jo -

“The discipline and the constant reflection really allowed things to emerge that were unexpected and the work together make it even more powerful!”

IF you ARE interested in joining the next WOMEN’S circle, OR If you have a question about the artist's way process, please complete the below email.

You can expect a reply within 3-5 working days.